Course Introduction
Sharper writing, smarter copy – for senior copywriters who want instant resultsWhat's it about?
An intense, practical course working across all mediums, online and offline. You’ll learn how to create powerful, engaging copy that delivers the intended message with impact. A combination of forensic analysis and simple tips make this fascinating and fun. The Masterclass delivers scientific insights and practical tools that can make you a more persuasive, effective copywriter.
Who should attend?
Copywriters or senior marketers who deal with copy regularly; writers with practical experience who are comfortable with basics rules of grammar (although a refresh of the rules is included). If you want to understand how copy works, why it succeeds, where it fails, and what you can do to improve the quality of your copy instantly – this is for you.
Learning outcomes
- Improved ability to plan, conceive, write and refine copy that really connects with your audience
- Manage the copy process more effectively, and elicit better writing from colleagues and agencies
- Deliver great copy whatever the quality of the brief
- Increased creativity
- Better able to analyse and apply your brand’s tone of voice in any situation
- Transform your organisation’s marketing performance by learning simple tricks that improve your copywriting immediately
In addition to writing more effective copy, the course teaches individuals how to elicit better copy from colleagues and agencies – harnessing plain English; delivering powerful copy; sharing simple tricks and more complex forensic linguistic techniques that have the potential to transform your organisation’s marketing performance
Course Structure Highlights
- The psychology of persuasive copy
- Applying writing skills to different media
- Structuring copy, using design to your advantage
- Plain English – improving your copy’s readability
- Refreshing your approach, finding inspiration
- Content marketing, social media, press releases
- Tone of voice – your brand’s secret weapon
- Digital Hit List: SEO, content marketing, Twitter and Facebook