Course Introduction
Improving your English writing skills and grammar in business documentsWhat's it about?
Business writing is utilitarian and readers want facts and figures that are accurate and clearly presented. Your audience is busy and does not have time to give you the benefit of the doubt. The quality of your writing reflects on your professional ability, your organisation and your products and services. This course gives you the complete toolkit to write confident communications in business. It helps you structure your writing while using the correct punctuation and grammar.
Who should attend?
Anyone who has to write reports, white papers, letters or marketing copy who wishes to improve their written English and feel confident with the rules of grammar.
Learning outcomes
Confidence to write punchy and compelling documents
Skills to structure an argument to achieve your desired outcome
Time saved through a structured approach to document planning and creation
A thorough refresher in English grammar, especially punctuation
Full understanding of the uses and parts of speech
Techniques for good sentence construction
Checklist of pitfalls to watch out for
Pride in your written work
Incorporate company standards, templates and case-studies (optional)
Specialist analysis and development (optional)
Participants will benefit from being able to produce well-structured, clearly written and grammatically correct documents.
Course Structure Highlights
- Identify your objective and write to meet it
- Structure and plan effectively
- Learn standard layouts
- Overview of minute taking, letter writing and report writing
- The parts of speech
- Grammar: understand nouns, pronouns, verbs and conjunctions; learn the subject and object pronoun; tense; sentence construction; linking ideas; apostrophes: the possessive form; abbreviations and contractions
- Punctuation
- Common mistakes, and how to avoid them
- Using spellcheck and grammar check